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Greene County (Indiana) Soccer Association


All FIFA rules and regulations shall apply unless stated otherwise.

  1. Regular season will follow all FIFA regulations. Slide tackling is allowed for 13U and up but must have contact with the ball first. Players may play up a division if a team does not have a sufficient amount of players however; if players are played up they are to be substituted in only to allow another player a brief break. Both teams shall have an equal amount of players on the field at all times unless there is an uneven amount due to a Red Card (This rule does not apply in Tournament).

  2. Anyone nineteen (19) years old or younger by Jan 1st following the end of the fall season may be eligible to register.

  3. Tournament rules will follow the same guidance as regular season with the exception of not allowing players to play up. Also Teams shall play at least the minimum of players per the division. If a team does not have the minimum number they ARE allowed to play but the opposite team shall still be allowed to play the minimum number of players. The following are the minimum number of players for tournament. 19U 8v8, 13U 8v8, 10U 8v8, 7U 6v6. All other FIFA rules apply with the exception of Tournament games that end in a tie.

  4. In the event of a tie in tournament play, the match will go directly into a Penalty Kick shootout. A Penalty kick shootout consists of five (5) players from each team, each taking one shot at goal and alternating teams after each kick. One Goalie must represent each team who can but does not have to be one of the five (5) PK shooters. Only one goalie per team. The goalie representing each team must not be swapped out with another goalie unless the goalie is injured and cannot continue. If still a tie after the five (5) PK kicks from each team the process will continue in the same rotation as the original order until one team wins. Example- Each team took five PK shots and it’s still tied. Start over from the beginning and if the first team scores then the second team will get an opportunity to score, if they do not score the first team wins.

  5. GCSA Board has the final authority to assign disciplinary actions to anyone who does not comply with these rules and has the right to remove any player, coach, ref, parent, etc. as necessary to maintain the safety and best interest of the association to the best of our ability.

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